AUM Fees

LeadCenter can automatically track AUM fees for accounts based on an AUM fees schedule that you can set up in LeadCenter. For example, you can set up a schedule like this:

# Start Range End Range Fee Basis Points
1 0 $999,999 1.37% 137
2 $1,000,000 $1,499,999 1.22% 122
3 $1,500,000 $1,999,999 1.2% 120
4 $2,000,000 $2,999,999 1.07% 107
5 >= $3,000,000 0.97% 97

AUM fees for each account will be automatically calculated based on the following criteria:

  1. Account status should be issued.
  2. The year the account is issued.
  3. The "Override company fees" flag is not set to true for this account.
  4. The total value of all issued accounts in the household.

Note: When calculating AUM fees, the system does not consider accounts with a status of pending, cancelled, forecasted, or terminated.

Issuing a new account

An AUM fee will be calculated for an account the first time it is issued. When an AUM account is issued, the system will update the fees for all household accounts issued in the current year to the new fee level if the household fee changes based on the total value of the all issued accounts in the household.

Updating an issued account

If you update an issued account and the issue year is the current year, the system will recalculate AUM fees for all household accounts issued in the current year. However, The system will not change AUM fees for accounts issued in previous years.

Important: In LeadCenter, you cannot update the amount for accounts issued in previous years except during January, which serves as a grace period. After January 31st, updates to issued accounts from previous years will be locked. To transfer money to a new account, you can use the transfer function.

Additionally, you cannot make changes to cancelled or terminated accounts. Instead, you should create a new account.

Cancelling an issued account

In LeadCenter, you cannot delete an account issued in previous years except during January, which serves as a grace period. If you want to delete an account, you must cancel it first.

Important: AUM fees calculated in LeadCenter are estimates, not actual fees. You should verify actual fees with the custodian. LeadCenter's production and AUM fee tracking is intended for marketing, sales, and operations purposes. For example, it helps calculate production or revenue by marketing channel, advisor, etc...

Overriding account fees

You can override account fees by using the Override company commission option from the account menu.

Transferring from accounts

If you transfer an amount from an issued AUM account, company fees will be recalculated for all household accounts issued in the current year.

To setup an AUM fee schedule, go to the AUM Fees page in LeadCenter.

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