Managing Financial Accounts

LeadCenter provides one integrated system to track productions, company fees, advisors' commissions, and payments. The system automatically calculates all related fees and commissions.

Production Tracking -> Company Fees -> Fees Payments -> Advisor Commission -> Advisor Commission Payment -> Advanced Reporting and Visualization

Production Tracking

  • To track productions for assets under management (AUM) review and set up the following:
    1. AUM custodians: an optional field. You can create an AUM account with or without custodian.
    2. AUM product types: an example like brokerage account. This is also an optional field.
    3. AUM products: like various classification based modals. Example like divdend income model, bluechip growth model, etc. This a mandatory field. If you don't have multiple AUM products, create one product and call it AUM to be able to create accounts.
    4. AUM fees: the annual fees your charge your clients for managing their assets.
    5. If you want to track advisors commission, please setup advisors' commission plans and add advisors to it

  • To track productions for annuities, review and set up the following:
    1. Insurance Whole Providers
    2. Insurance Companies
    3. Insurance Products
    4. Insurance Product Commissions

Company Fees and Commission

Company fees and commission will automatically be calculated for AUM and annuities accounts if you create an AUM fee schedule and add Insurance production with commissions. you can also override the company fees for any account.

Company Fees Payment

When receiving your commission from the custodian or Insurance carrier, you can make an entry in the account under Company Commission Bank Payments

Advisor Commission

Advisor commission will automatically be calculated for accounts that are:

  1. Issued
  2. A company fee is calculated for the account
  3. Advisor added to a commission plan

Advisor Commission Payment

You can record advisors commission payment. This will be reflected in single advisor report and other commission reports

Production and Commission Reporting and Analytics

The following list of reports will be auto-populated for real-time reporting of production and commission

Production Reports

Commission Reports

Executive Reports

  • Executive Report YTD: The Executive Report YTD offers a comprehensive business overview of marketing and sales performance, including conversion rates and advisor performance. It summarizes key performance indicators on a rolling basis for the past 7 days, 30 days, and year-to-date, comparing these metrics with the previous year's performance and goals.
  • Executive Dashboard Per Year: The Executive Dashboard Per Year provides a detailed analysis of marketing and sales performance, conversion rates, and advisor performance. It allows you to filter the data by the current year or past years, offering a year-over-year comparison of key performance indicators.
  • Events Reports