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All appointments with new prospects (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th appointments) report tracks conversions from 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd, and 3rd to 4th appointments like a funnel. Includes appointment details, statuses, advisor breakdown, close rate, pending status, and became client ratio.
This report is based on the 1st appointment date. The subsequent 2nd, 3rd, and 4th appointments are a subset of the prior 1st appointment kept. For example, second appointment in the period selected that does not have 1st appointment prior to it in the same period will not be included in this report.
This report will show only appointments that has the categories 1st visit - not a client, 2nd visit - not a client, 3rd visit - not a client, and 4th visit - not a client . All other appointments will be filtered out.
This report is focused on the propsect appointments journey before becoming client per advisor. It shows the various conversion ratio from 1st kept to 2nd booked, from 2nd kept to 3rd booked, and from 3rd kept to 4th booked. It also shows the final conversion ratio to becoming client per advisor.
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