Jan 22, 2025

LeadCenter Email Sync Performance Degradation

LeadCenter has been experiencing overall performance degradation, affecting system responsiveness and load times across the platform.

Jan 23 7:40 AM CST
Resolved - This issue has now been resolved. Now, Microsoft email sync is functioning normally.

Jan 22 12:01 PM CST
Update - After further investigation, we have restored all previously inaccessible email sections.

Our investigation determined that the issue is related specifically to Microsoft email sync, while Google and Yahoo email sync are functioning normally.

Current Impact: Users with Microsoft Outlook (Office 365) connections can still send emails from LeadCenter, but incoming emails from Microsoft Outlook will not sync with LeadCenter at this time.

Jan 22 10:39 AM CST
Update - As a temporary measure to stabilize system performance, we made the following email sections temporarily inaccessible:

  • Email section in the Contact Details page.
  • Emails icon in Peek (which displays incoming emails when hovering over a contact's row).
  • Emails under the "Communications" dropdown in the Sales Dashboard menu.

This issue only affects incoming emails syncing from Microsoft and Google. Users can still send emails from LeadCenter without any impact.

Jan 22 10:11 AM CST
Identified - Our investigation determined that the email sections which sync incoming emails from Microsoft and Google were significantly impacting system performance. Outgoing emails from LeadCenter are unaffected.

Jan 22 9:43 AM CST
Investigating - Our team initially observed slow system performance across multiple areas of LeadCenter. Engineers began investigating potential causes.

Need more help?

If you can’t find the answers you’re looking for, our support specialists are available to answer your questions and troubleshoot if necessary.

  • Phone Call (888) 291-7116. Our main hours are Monday to Friday 7 am-5 pm Central Time.
  • Support Ticket Send your questions and inquiries via email to support@leadcenter.ai. A support ticket will be created and one of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.