Managing Users

* Page referenced in this article: managing users page.

There are four types of users in LeadCenter:

  1. Owner
  2. Administrator
  3. Editor
  4. Limited

The owner is the first user that created the account on LeadCenter. This user has full access to all LeadCenter functions and screens. This user can't be deactivated or removed. However, you can change the personal profile for that user once you log in to owner account.

The administrator has full access to the account. Administrator permissions are the same as the owner. But an administrator account can be deactivated.

The editor has full access to the sales dashboard, but doesn't have access the marketing dashboard or settings. Editors can configure their own calendar settings, connect their email accounts, etc. Editors also will not have access to company or advisors commission information.

The limited user has access to the leads and contact they own. They will not be able to see other contacts or leads. For example, you can use limited user to give access to an external scheduling team that you want them to only see the leads assigned to them.

From this page, you can invite new user, deactivate a user or change the user permission. When you invite a user, an email invitation will be sent to the user to sign in and set a password.

Important: For compliance and system integrity, a user can't be deleted from an account. If an employee leaves the company, deactivate the user account, and they will no longer have access to the system.

Only account owner will have access to the Website Builder at this time. But this will change in the near future.

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  • Phone Call (888) 291-7116. Our main hours are Monday to Friday 7 am-5 pm Central Time.
  • Support Ticket Send your questions and inquiries via email to A support ticket will be created and one of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.