LeadCenter Events and Seminars module is a fully automated event management system. Other CRMs' event modules are just for record keeping. In LeadCenter, not only can you create events and add attendees, but you can also:
LeadCenter will automatically create a landing page and registration form on your website for each seminar. You can use iframes to add the events page which will list all scheduled events on your website.
Automate confirmation emails. You can create different confirmation emails for different registration statuses (e.g., registered, confirmed, no-show, etc.).
Reminders with email and text message templates.
Automate sending follow-up emails after the event.
Automatically detect plate licker.
Track events spending and monitor ROI.
Direct integration with LeadingResponse, LeadJig, and Financial Seminar Services.
Push event registrations to Redtail, Wealthbox, Salesforce, or Zapier.
Export a PDF attendee roster for seamless event management and print name tags in two sizes (2" x 4" or 2 1/3" x 3 3/8").
To get started with events:
I. Add Events to your website
Create an events empty page on your website.
Copy and insert the iframe code from the events page in LeadCenter. Click Actions then Event Public Link at the upper right corner of the events page.
Insert the iframe code in the website page you created in the first step.
Now when users visit your website, they can register in events. If they register, it will automatically create the contact in LeadCenter, add the contact to the sales pipeline, register the contact in the event, and send the attendee the confirmation email.
Follow the steps to generate a token or connect directly to the mail house.
After the integration is complete, any attendee added by the Mail House will be pushed to LeadCenter.AI as an attendee. All event related workflows will triggered (confirmation registration, reminders, etc.).
When the mail house pushes an event attendee, If the event doesn't exist in LeadCenter, the system will automatically create the event.
LeadCenter Event Management is a powerful module designed for Financial Advisors to manage seminars and event. LeadCenter event management is a fully automated system. The automation includes:
Capturing attendees.
Creating event landing pages and forms.
Customizable event confirmation emails.
Event workflow to track the attendee life cycle.
Automatically detect plate lickers.
If you need assistance in setting up this feature, please send an email to
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