Sales Pipeline Stages

* Page referenced in this article: sales pipeline stages page.

In this page you can configure your pipeline stages. Each stage has the following attributes that can be configured:

  • Order: the stage order in the workflow, you can drag and drop stage using the handle under the column order.
  • Open or closed stage. This is used in a lot of reporting. If you close a lead, the closed_at date will be set to today, but you can change that from the Leads Overview page.
  • State: the stage state can be won, lost, or other. This is also used in reports and determining important measurements like ROI, CAC, etc.
  • Stage name, color, and icon

Tip: there are two more stages that appear on top of the sales pipeline, OPEN LEADS and NEW LEADS. Both are system stages that can't be changed. OPEN is a grouping of all open stages and NEW is all leads that don't have a stage yet.

Tip: You can't delete a stage that has leads assigned to it. Even if the lead is deleted or marked spam.

We recommend the following stages based on best practices of implementing sales pipeline with financial advisors. But you can come up with your own:

Order Stage Name Stage Description Open or Closed Stage Won or Lost
1 New This is for all the new leads that don’t have a defined stage yet. This is a system stage that can't be modified Open Other
2 Attempting New leads that are actively being engaged Open Other
3 Re-Engaged Leads that were in a Non-Responsive status and have re-engaged through call to actions Open Other
4 Discovery Call Discovery call appointment has been scheduled to qualify lead and schedule a 1st appointment with Advisor Open Other
5 First Appointment Lead is qualified and booked first appointment with an advisor Open Other
6 Pending Completed the first appointment and currently going through 2nd-4th appointments Open Other
7 Became Client (Won) Won: prospect converted to a client through funding an investment account or buying one of our products or services Closed WON
8 Not Qualified Does not meet our asset level requirement Closed LOST
9 Non-Responsive Lead does not respond to our phone attempts, emails or texts Closed LOST
10 Not Relevant Clicked on the wrong ad, no recollection of reaching out to us Closed LOST
11 Not Interested Lead has responded and told us they are not interested Closed LOST
12 Lost Met with us and we lost business to a competitor Closed LOST
13 Terminated Became Client then terminated our service agreement and withdrew funds. Closed LOST
14 Deceased The contact died Closed LOST

To manage the sales pipeline click here.

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  • Phone Call (888) 291-7116. Our main hours are Monday to Friday 7 am-5 pm Central Time.
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